GMRS Radio Safety Nets

GMRS Radio Safety Net Tips and Sample Script

What are Radio “Safety Nets?”

Radio “Safety Nets” are an essential part of any successful R3EMCOMM Radio Network program.

Safety Nets are a regular, on-the-air, radio meeting place where citizens can check in each week or on a specific schedule to learn and practice basic radio communications skills before an emergency or disaster strikes.

A weekly Radio Safety Net allows you to (a) check your radio to ensure it’s charged up and working, (b) ensure the area radio communications system itself is working, (c) get to know your neighbors, and (d) let others know that you’re OK.

There may also be Storm-Watch or Event-Watch nets that are activated when needed during a weather event, school closure, a fire, an emergency, or any other event or alert such as a power outage, and especially when normal cell and Internet communications are impaired or disrupted.

An Example Radio Safety Net Outline

  • Each week, someone volunteers to be “Net Control” or “Host.” Ideally, there should be several Net Control Operators or Hosts who all take turns to manage your Nets.
  • Your local Safety Net starts each week on the same day, and at the same time, usually in the evenings. Your Safety Net is also conducted on the same channel, usually the repeater channel for your area.
  • To ensure consistency, your Safety Net  Net Contol Operator almost always works from a prepared script. This will save time and eliminate confusion. Time will be provided for everyone to talk, but please wait for Net Control to recognize you before pressing your radio’s push-to-talk or “PTT” transmit button.
  • A typical Safety Net begins with Net Control briefly introducing themselves and stating the purpose of the Net. They then might ask if there are “any emergency or priority announcements.” This is the time for any Safety Net listeners with high-priority announcements to first identify themselves with their name and GMRS call sign and then wait for Net Control to acknowledge them (i.e., “check-in”).
  • The Safety Net then proceeds with the Host reading from an alphabetical list of names of participating community members, allowing a few seconds for each member to transmit and check in after their name is called.
  • When it’s your turn, reply by stating your name, GMRS call sign, and general location. Then release your PTT button. Net Control will check you in, and then read the next name on the list.
  • Once the list is finished, Net Control may follow up and ask if there are any “late or missed check-ins?” Net Control might also ask “are there any visitors?” and allow the chance for them to check in.

General Conduct Suggestions

From here, your Safety Net may proceed with a more general discussion or a question and answer period. You may want to share something from your day or week. Please keep all conversations friendly, cheerful and courteous. We’re here to help each other out. Keep it fun, and avoid politics, religion, complaining, or “grumping.” (no one really wants to hear it). Also, remember this is “Family Radio” so assume your children and grandchildren are listening (as well as members of the press).

Again, wait for Net Control to call you. There might be times when you have a comment or answer for another member. Just a quick “Comment” inserted between breaks is usually enough. Again, wait for Net Control to invite you to speak.

Storm-Watch and Event Nets

A Storm-Watch or Event-Watch Net operates a little differently. Whenever there’s a weather-related emergency or a major event in your area, plan on checking in to your main net or repeater channel at half past the hour to receive or transmit important information. If your power is off, you may want to turn off your radio between check-ins to conserve batteries, and always have spare batteries!

Of course, if there’s any kind of emergency that needs immediate attention, DON’T WAIT! Get on your radio and CALL FOR HELP!

GMRS Radio Safety Net Tips and Sample Script


R3EMCOMM is a “not-for-profit,” all-volunteer community service organization. Members are not reimbursed for their membership or for services provided to the community. All of the community radio equipment we furnish is provided at or below our out-of-pocket cost, and our general support services are offered free of charge. Radio acquisition, programming, and training workshops are provided by our members free of charge. Unpaid volunteer assistance may be available if you or your neighbors need help installing their equipment at home. Donations to R3EMCOMM to sustain our efforts are gratefully accepted but are not required nor expected.

FRS, GMRS, Ham Radio, and/or the R3EMCOMM Radio Network are NOT a replacement for Emergency Services such as Police, Fire, the Sheriff’s Office, or 911. Programs like the R3EMCOMM Radio Network are intended as a backup communications solution when traditional means of communication are inoperable or when “all else fails.”
